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The historic Shaker Heights Community Rose Garden is going native, in keeping with the times. No more multiple, difficult-to-maintain formal beds; no more chemicals. The dwindling number of volunteers who have been maintaining the garden first created in the 1920s has determined that the way to assure a future for the garden is to transform it into The Shaker Heights Community Rose Garden: A Nature Center.

The group seeks community input about their plans, which are to:

  • Coordinate design activities with the Nature Centerat Shaker Lakes

  • Retain central bird bath surrounded by roses

  • Retain arbors at either end with roses beside them

  • Add native plantings-filled gardens on two sides of the center rose garden—one to attract butterflies, the other a combination wildflower and herb garden

  • Create permanent signs at both ends to honor those who over the years donated their money and time to maintain this historic landmark

The garden is located in Shaker Heights, on Woodbury Road, between Woodbury and Onaway elementary schools. 

Contact:  Nikki Evans (216) 544.0212

To contact the Rose Garden, email roses2015 AT shakersquare DOT net

Learn more about the garden
For the history of the garden,
click here.
For links to other rose gardens,
click here.

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