Why is the Shaker Square area of Cleveland in the Shaker Heights
City School District?
An agreement negotiated in September 1912 between the
school boards of the Village of Shaker Heights and the City of Cleveland is why
part of the Shaker Heights School District is located in
Cleveland. The agreement allows the children of residents of the
Shaker Square area of Cleveland to attend Shaker Schools. It is
an example of the power of friendship to shape the course of
events. William Van Aken, future mayor of Shaker Heights, and O.
P. and M. J. Van Sweringen, famed real estate developers and
railroad tycoons, were allies in a series of interrelated steps that
included the creation of the Shaker Township in 1911, the
negotiation of the school district agreement in 1912, and the
setting of the anomalous western boundary line of Shaker Heights
in 1915. Details can be found on the linked pages.