The new Vision Plan for Shaker Square

Standing room only
said my neighbor after attending the Vision Plan's "Launch" in Theater 2 of Atlas Cinemas on Thursday evening, January 23, 2025. I did not attend, but that evening I downloaded and read the new Vision Plan.

Those who care about Shaker Square and its future should read and re-read this important report.

The Vision Plan begins with the past as a way to find a path to the future. The present shows Shaker Square. a commercial district, that is also a public space, a gathering place and the historic heart of one of Cleveland's largest and most diverse residential areas. The plan then describes ways to move ahead to that better future.

This January 2025 Vision Plan included what had been promised in the last lines of the prior (September 2024) report:
   • Actionable, implementable steps to achieve plan
   • Short term, medium term and long term suggestions
   • More details on merchandising strategy
   • Full design for the public realm (including parking)

Though parking isn't mentioned, the new (perhaps not "final") plan is more comprehensive and. at the same time, more connected than the first edition of September 2024.

The plan calls for newer housing around Shaker Square, for just as the Square strengthens the community it cannot be strong without a strong neighborhood. 

The Vision Plan's authors, responsible custodians concerned that a profit-focused purchaser of the Square might be unable to manage it well long-term, explore some ways to give this special place the continuing support it needs.

The new Vision Plan, 52 well-illustrated pages, is a 50 Mb document available on the official Shaker Square website. Our copy, with web-quality images, is 22 Mb. There are link to both at the end of this page, plus a link to the Plain Dealer's first story on the plan, published on January 27.

Here, in italics, is the report's Executive Summary.

 As one of Cleveland's oldest commercial hubs, Shaker Square is an integral part of the city's identity and a cherished community gathering space. By honoring its authentic character - through meaningful programs, engaging events, and sensitive improvements to the buildings and landscape - this space on the edge of Cleveland and Shaker Heights has the potential to reconnect with residents and visitors, reaffirming its importance as a cherished community destination.

This vision plan emphasizes the importance of hosting events and activating the Square's public spaces. Increased activity will attract more people to visit, supporting retail success and fostering a sense of community, visibility, and natural surveillance. The planned improvements will make Shaker Square feel more connected, safe and welcoming as a vibrant destination.

If Shaker Square's owners publish a short, perhaps two page, summary of the plan (I hope they will) I'll link to that too.

See you on the Square
Arnie Berger

January 30, 2025

Learn more:
  • Vision Plan (PDF, 22 Mb, web quality images)
  • Vision Plan (PDF, 50 Mb)
  • Plain Dealer story January 27, 2025 (PDF)

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