Low Hanging Fruit

Those who live near Shaker Square, who see it as an important Cleveland neighborhood and who are linked to it by good memories are pleased that it is owned by Cleveland Neighborhood Progress and Burten. Bell, Carr Community Development Corporation.

They are now restoring it and re-envisioning the future of our nearly 100-year old gathering place and shopping and dining area. Major repairs are being made. All this is being done while Shaker Square is open for business.

There are also opportunities for low cost, supportive improvements low hanging fruit. This page will present some of these ideas.

Arnie Berger   March 28, 2024


Shaker Square recently improved its lighting and increased its video camera coverage. The lights will speak (shine) for themselves. To tell visitors about the video coverage, display small signs all around the camera-covered areas.

Hot Line

If we see something on the Square that needs prompt attention, but not a call to 911, have a "hot line" we can call. Its number could be on the directory in each quadrant of the Square, and on the signs that say "You are in a video-monitored place".

Free Short Term Parking on Cleveland's Meters

The parking meters along Shaker Boulevard are Cleveland's and their rates are set by a city parking ordinance. City Council can add a provision for free short-term parking in neighborhoods. This change will help restaurants and other local businesses from Kamm's Corners on the far west side, all the way east to Shaker Square.

Free Short Term Parking on the Square's Meters

Shaker Square controls the parking meters all around the Square. It can modify them to allow free short-term parking, as it did from 2007 - 2010, a change welcomed by business owners and customers. Meters will still be needed, lest all spaces be taken by commuters.

Friends of Shaker Square

Re-establish the organization Friends of Shaker Square, with members from all around the Square, to create a way those who care about our historic neighborhood can work together in its support.

Make Shaker Square More Senior Friendly

At night, the Square is a place for younger persons to meet, eat and celebrate. But during the day, it's a place where many older persons are seen. To increase their daytime visits consider Senior (discount) Wednesdays (Dave's already has one), early-bird dinners, and more curbside ADA-compliant ramps that say "welcome" to older persons and to anyone pushing a stroller or shopping cart.

Ramps in the Cedar Center North shopping area

Shaker Square's Four Directories

Let's move ahead to use cell phone and website technology on the directories on each quadrant. Each directory can show lists for all quadrants, each with a QR code to its page on the ShakerSquare.com website. Updating will be faster. Lists are easier to read than maps. And let's move back to using the quadrants' true names: Northeast Southeast Southwest and Northwest. (Does anyone reading this know which quadrant is "D"?)

See you on the Square.

Long-time visitors to this website have seen some of these suggestions on our old page Ten Ways to Improve Shaker Square.

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