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Forty Years of Ken Johnson Stories

Stories about our former Ward 4 city council representative

1981 - Johnson lies about his education.
After this story the Plain Dealer withdrew its endorsement.
Plain Dealer Sept. 22, 1981 Brent Larkin

2006 - Kenneth Johnson - Shaker Square Citizen
Years ago this website published a series of web pages called "Shaker Square Citizens". The page's text and the picture of then-councilman Johnson and his seven sons were furnished by his office.  View the web page
2013 - Double dipping
First time in Cleveland history, a city councilman (Ken Johnson) who just retired before his term had expired, and is drawing a pension, asks members of city council to name him to his old $74,000 a year seat. They vote "yes".
Read Plain Dealer story of January 7, 2013

July 31, 2021 - A 40 year career over in four hours
Johnson, convicted on all 15 charges in Federal Court, faces up to 10 years in prison.
Read the text of the Plain Dealer story

August 23, 2021 - Barred from office, but still on the ballot
This Plain Dealer report is behind a pay-wall.
Read a copy of the PD story.
October 8, 2021
Kenneth Johnson sentenced to six years in prison plus $740,000 in restitution  
Read the Plain Dealer story
August 18, 2023
Kenneth Johnson's conviction, sentence upheld by appeals court  
Read the Plain Dealer story
as of 6/16/2024

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